The Emissions of Everything

We emit 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year

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Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions

Detail of data visualization about global greenhouse gas emissions per sector

The world's carbon footprint

There is no way around it: everything you do has a carbon footprint. Whether you breathe or take a plane, CO2 makes its way into the atmosphere.

Earth didn't always have its protective atmosphere. Life produces greenhouse gases and these gases make life possible. Over hundreds of millions of years, a balance emerged and the planet became habitable.

But now, the 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases we emit per year have tipped the scales.

Putting it all together

Seeing the many ways we cause climate change sucks. But gaining an understanding of how the numbers fit together feels empowering.

Naming and measuring the causes of climate change demystifies the faceless menace it feels we are up against—and the solutions we need to tackle it.

We are not embroiled in a hero versus the dragon story. This is a tale about many sectors taking many practical steps to become better.